 Library home page: 12,207  Electronic Journals page: 11,254 During the academic year 2008-2009, there were 4,729 virtual visits to Library online catalog. Library Technology The College’s Information Technology Department provides maintenance and support for computers and printers in the Library. Current resources include:  Computers: 41 for patron use, eight for staff and circulation use, five for online catalog and transfer stations  Printers: two networked and two individual printers for patrons and five individual printers for staff  Two copiers  Two scanners  Microfilm/microfiche reader  Fax machine  Typewriter External Support There are many organizations that provide resources and services that maximize the Library’s ability to serve its patrons. These are given in Appendix F-7. Information Technology Overview As of July 1, 2010, the College completed a consolidation of its information services into a single department overseen by a Chief Information Officer. (Appendix F-8a) The mission statement for the Office of Information Technology (IT) and its goals are given in Appendix F-8b. The Office of Information Technology provides high quality technology services throughout the College community, including supporting the College’s academic and clinical teaching programs. IT ensures high availability, dependability and reliability of the campus wired and wireless network infrastructure, electronic mail and conferencing system, as well as campus servers. This includes ensuring that information is secure and available and that appropriate disaster recovery protocols are in place. IT also provides comprehensive technical support throughout the College community as well as training and programming services. In addition, IT oversees and maintains one of four designated University-wide Video Conferencing System (UVCS) sites within the State University of New York system. IT staffing is currently comprised of a Chief Information Officer, Network Administrator, Help Desk/Email Specialist, End-User Support Specialist, Web Specialist, Clinical Systems Administrator, Clinical Systems Analyst, Media Services Manager, Media Specialist and Electronic Automation Technician. Please see Appendix F-9 for the IT table of organization.


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