
2007-2008 $73,950 $350,000 $73,930

2008-2009 $38,650 $175,000 $282,380

2009-2010 $59,700 100,000 $338,860

Academics (not including Library or research)

Patient Care

Information Technology

Expenditures for repair and maintenance (excluding salaries) were: Area 2007-2008 2008-2009

2009-2010 $10,000 $200,000


$10,000 $200,000 $256,720

$10,000 $200,000 $214,230

Patient Care (with EHR) Information Technology

$319,150 Expenditures for the past three years have been conservative given fiscal conditions nationally and within the State of New York. The college has fortunately weathered the challenges, has healthy fund balances and is increasing its commitment to replacement and renewal in FY 2011 and beyond. Equipment acquisition and replacement occurs through a number of mechanisms:  Routine: Routine equipment acquisition or replacement is handled through the annual budget request submitted by VPs and negotiated with the President and VP for Administration and Finance. Once approved, the VP or designee manages the acquisition or replacement of equipment through their respective budgets.  Extraordinary: If an unexpected equipment failure occurs during the year that imposes an extraordinary cost on a VP's budget, he/she can request budget supplementation from the President or VP for Administration and Finance. This process is usually successful depending on the need and level of cost involved.  Comprehensive: A planned, large-scale, and possibly multi-year acquisition or replacement of equipment, defined by the quality and total cost of the items involved, would begin with a formal request made to the President or VP for Administration and Finance. Following discussions and if approved, a funding strategy would be formulated and an appropriate procurement process initiated.  Capital Projects: Equipment acquisition or replacement can take place by means of capital building projects. Such equipment must relate directly to the project and may be either fixed or movable. Maintenance Preventative maintenance and repairs are done on equipment on a scheduled basis. Copies of the maintenance and repair logs can be found in the Engineering Department on 3M. Equipment is replaced according to use and


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