term. (The College will begin electronic grade submission in the fall 2011 semester. To accomplish this, the registration module of the Student Affairs Jenzabar software system will be updated and reformatted to accommodate the new feature for faculty.) After grades have been entered into the system, they are temporarily filed in the registrar’s desk draw and locked until the meeting of the Committee on Course and Standing (a faculty committee that reviews student progress each term) at which time the grades of students experiencing academic difficulty are shared with the vice president for academic affairs and the committee. All committee members are required to return copies of grades to the registrar at the end of the meeting to be destroyed. The dean maintains a copy for his office file. After a student’s academic status has been determined, grades are moved to a locked file cabinet located inside the registrar’s office. Original grade lists are kept on file in perpetuity. Electronic Records Back Up The student information server (Jenzabar) is currently housed in the Information Technology (IT) Department data center. The Office of Information Technology is responsible for backing up the system on a daily basis. Tapes are placed in a secure locked box. On a weekly basis, tapes are stored offsite with Iron Mountain Company. The IT department maintains (using a date and time stamp) a log of tape pickups. In the event of an emergency, only the IT staff has authorization to request the backup tapes. There is also a contingency plan in place in case the IT department is not able to retrieve the tapes. 6.7 Students are allowed access to faculty and administrators of the program and given opportunities to participate in student governance and other leadership activities. The Student Government Constitution, which is on pages 62-63 of the Student Handbook (, states that the purpose of the Student Council is “to promote and insure the welfare and interests of all those it represents, namely the student body.” The Council, which is very active and has significant influence and interaction with the College administration, consists of representatives from each professional class, the graduate program and student organizations as described in the constitution. The president and vice presidents for academic affairs (dean) and student affairs hold regularly scheduled meetings with Student Council officers. An important opportunity for student participation in College governance occurs on faculty- student committees. The list of committees on which student representatives serve can be found on pages 66-70 of the Student Handbook As discussed in Section 2.4, the dean meets with each class and its representatives during the term to solicit feedback regarding the curriculum and individual courses and to learn of any concerns that students may have. Department chairs participate in certain of these meetings.
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