consultation with and the concurrence of the VPAA and VPCA. Appointees to the Admissions Committee are provided with time in their work plans to meet their committee obligations. Admissions criteria include progression of grades; quality of undergraduate institution and type of program; scores on the Optometry Admissions Test (OAT); letters of recommendations; knowledge of the profession; extracurricular activities; and a personal interview. Performance in math and science prerequisites and on the OAT is deemed especially important. An increased emphasis is being place on leadership in support of the College’s strategic objective (Goal 1.8): “Leadership potential and evidence of a strong commitment to community service will be specific criteria for admission to the professional degree program.” 6.2.1 Policies and procedures are adhered to during the admissions processes. The policies and procedures employed during the admissions process for the professional program are given in the Admissions Policy and Procedure document (Appendix E-2) last revised on September 15, 2008. To encourage as much uniformity as possible in the interview process, members of the Admissions Committee individually complete an Admissions Interview Sheet (Appendix E-7). This form asks the interviewer to assess the candidate’s performance in the interview and qualifications as indicated by the candidate’s application folder and to also make a recommendation to accept or reject the candidate or place him/her on hold. If an appeal is made by a candidate on a decision made by the Admissions Committee, the chair of the Admissions Committee will review the basis and merits of the appeal and render a decision to deny the appeal or bring the appeal to the committee for review. The Committee on Admissions meets each year at the beginning and end of the admissions cycle to evaluate the previous year and to make suggested changes in either policy or procedure. More than 82% of respondents to the 2010 Professional

Student Survey strongly agreed or agreed that “The admissions process provided me with feedback in a timely manner.”

Additionally, more than 79% agreed or strongly agreed that “My interview was positive and helpful to me in making my decision to attend SUNY.”


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