(NAMME) in order to attract and retain a greater number of ethnically diverse students at the College. While the recruitment of underrepresented minority students is of great concern to the College’s faculty and staff, the retention of those students after they matriculate to SUNY Optometry is also of great importance. Black and Hispanic students who matriculated to SUNY Optometry have been academically successful with an overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.99, essentially the same as the overall student GPA of 3.02 (matriculating years of 2005-2009).
In the 2010 Professional (OD) Student Survey (N = 101), more than 63% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the statement “The College is committed to diversity and cultural sensitivity.” (Goal 1.10)
Evidence of the overall success of the college’s admissions activities can be seen in the number of applicants and quality of the admitted student body. The following figure illustrates that the number of applicants for the limited number of spaces has been increasing:
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Number of Students
Appl icants Accepted Enrol led
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year of Admission
A goal for Student Affairs is to increase the yield from 55% to 60% in the fall 2012 admissions year. Entering class profiles for recent years are given in Appendix E-3 and at
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