Members of senior management are classified by the University as management/confidential. Appointees to these positions serve at the pleasure of the president. At the beginning of the academic year, performance expectations are negotiated between the administrator and his/her supervisor. It is expected that when possible, these expectations are linked to the College’s Strategic Plan and strategic indicators. Annual management goals are summarized by the president in the form of Institutional Goals and shared with the College community (see Appendix A-9). Toward the end of the year, the employee prepares a performance document detailing his/her activities and progress on the previously established expectations, and meets with the supervisor to review the progress made. The outcomes of these meetings serve as a basis to establish the following year’s performance expectations. Institutional Resources (MSCHE 3*) 4.6 Financial resources [as well as qualified staffing and adequate information and decision-making systems] are available to develop and sustain the program on a continuing basis. Working under the supervision of the president, the fiscal management of the College is overseen by the vice president for administration and finance (VPAF) ( Reporting to the VPAF are the directors of general institutional services, human resources, business affairs, grant administration, management services (facilities and security) and information technology. Support for the College comes directly from the State of New York through the budget of the State University of New York. Detailed information regarding revenues and expenditures are given in section 4.6.1 below. As with all of public higher education, the degree to which State appropriations cover the cost of operations has been uncertain and subject to political influence. The College’s income, other than from direct state appropriation, comes from the following sources:
Tuition and fees Research grants Clinical income Philanthropy
During the past three years, the College has been able to sustain significant reductions in support from the State resulting from the general fiscal climate, as well as New York’s economic difficulties. Overall, there have been reductions in direct state support totaling $3,667,000. Some of this has been offset by annual state adjustments to cover negotiated labor agreements each year. The net impact has been a $1,243,000 reduction in direct state support during a period in which negotiated labor costs increased by 14%. Increases in tuition during this period reduced the actual dollar impact to a $214,300 reduction in the State financial plan which includes all revenues related to State support, tuition and
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