Institutional Federal Compliance Report 2021
Tutoring Students who need assistance in one or more courses should seek out the instructor(s) as a first step. Peer tutoring can also be a valuable resource and is available at no cost to the student. In all cases, it is essential to request assistance as early as a need is identified. Students in need of tutoring services may contact the director of tutoring:
Vito Cavallaro , Assistant VP for Student Affairs Room 1125 212-938-5507
Student Housing Moving to New York City is an exciting transition that allows students to experience the benefits of living in one of the greatest cities in the world. We also understand that moving to NYC can seem daunting. With that in mind, the Office of Student Affairs has compiled a collection of helpful resources that will help you with the transition. You can find this on our website here: Housing Committee The Housing Committee was created to provide information that will better shape your understanding of the apartment search process in New York City. Students set their priorities regarding cost, space, distance and area, and the Housing Committee assists the student in locating and securing suitable housing to meet his/ her specific needs. The Committee is available to provide advice, maps of the city, directions, use of our telephones and online services and any other assistance you may require. The Housing Committee operates under the direction of the Office of Financial Aid and functions between April and September Housing Day SUNY also sponsors a “Housing Day” in July where students will get more information about apartments. Students will have the opportunity to speak to upper-class students about living in the different boroughs and will often receive a list of available apartments or sublets.
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