Institutional Federal Compliance Report 2021
130.75Courseof sexual conduct against a child inthefirstdegree. 130.80 Course of sexual conduct against a child in the second degree. 130.85 Female genital mutilation. 130.90 Facilitatingasexoffensewithacontrolledsubstance. 130.91 Sexually motivated felony. 130.92 Sentencing. 130.95 Predatorysexualassault. 130.96 Predatorysexualassaultagainsta child.
§ 130.00 Sex offenses; definitions of terms. The following definitions are applicable to this article:
1) “Sexual intercour se” has itsordinarymeaningandoccursuponanypenetration,however slight. 2) (a) “Or al sexual c onduct” means conduct between persons consisting of contact between themouth and thepenis, themouthandtheanus, or themouthand the vulvaor vagina. (b) “ Anal sexual c onduct” means conduct between persons consisting of contact between the penis and anus. 3) “Sexual c ontact” means any touching of the sexual or other intimateparts of aperson for thepurpose ofgratifyingsexual desireof either party. It includes thetouching of theactorbythe victim, aswellas the 4) touchingofthe victimbytheactor,whetherdirectlyor through clothing, aswellastheemissionof ejaculate bytheactoruponanypartofthevictim, clothedorunclothed. 5) Forthepurposesofthisarticle “married” meanstheexistenceoftherelationshipbetweentheactor and thevictimasspouseswhichisrecognizedbylawatthetimetheactorcommitsanoffense proscribedbythis article against the victim. 6) “ Mentally disabled” means that aperson suffers fromamental disease or defect which rendershim or her incapable of appraising thenatureofhisor her conduct. 7) “ Mentally incapacitated” means that apersonisrenderedtemporarilyincapable ofappraisingor controllinghis conduct owing tothe influenceof anarcotic or intoxicating substanceadministeredto him without his consent, or toanyother act committeduponhimwithout his consent. 8) “Ph ysically helpless” means that a person is unconscious or for any other reason is physically unable to communicateunwillingnesstoanact. 9) “Forcible compulsion” means to compel by either: a) useof physical force;or b) athreat, expressor implied, whichplaces aperson infear of immediatedeathor physical injury to himself,herselforanotherperson,or infear thathe, sheoranotherpersonwill immediately bekidnapped. 10) “Foreign object” meansanyinstrumentorarticlewhich,wheninsertedinthevagina,urethra, penisor rectum,iscapableofcausingphysicalinjury. 11) “Sexual c onduct” meanssexual intercourse,oralsexual conduct,anal sexual conduct,aggravated sexual contact, or sexual contact. 12) “ Aggravatedsexual c ontact” meansinserting, other thanforavalidmedical purpose,a foreign object in thevagina,urethra,penisorrectumofachild, therebycausingphysical injurytosuch child.
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