Institutional Federal Compliance Report 2021
you may pick up your check in the Bursar’s Office. No funds are available in the Office of Financial Aid.
Any financial aid that has an asterisk on the statement is pending and may not include bank origination or other fees. Once pending funds arrive, the actual amounts are credited to student accounts. Students expecting other financial aid are required to have deferments approved by the director of financial aid and submitted to the bursar on or before the date indicated on the invoice.
Change of Address Students are responsible for informing the Office of Student Affairs of any change in address.
Lockers and mailboxes Students are provided lockers, mailboxes In the Student Life Center during Orientation. Lockers are kept for the full four years of study while mailboxes are assigned only through third year. Students are required to provide a personal lock to safeguard the contents of their locker. If a student needs to have their lock clipped a request must be made to the UPD-42 desk. An officer will be assigned to assist the student. Name Tags Students are provided with a name tag which is worn on the lab/clinic coat during clinical assignments. Replacement nametags can be requested with Sarah Didier in the Office of Student Affairs. Student Instruments Students are required to purchase 3 major sets of Ophthalmic instruments during the first and second year of study. The first two sets: Trial lens examination kit and a diagnostic kit, are purchased in the first year. The BIO and lens kit are purchased in the second year.
Trial lens exam kit is billed to students as part of tuition cost and is distributed by PIONEER INTERNATIONAL during the new student Orientation.
Diagnostic kit orders are organized in the fall of first year and students purchase their kit through LOMBART INSTRUMENT.
Second year Bio and diagnostic lens orders are organized in the fall term of second year and is also purchased through LOMBART INSTRUMENT.
Instrument Issues Major pieces of student Instruments: trial lens and frame, diagnostic kit, BIO and diagnostic lens are under warranty with the manufacturers. Lost or stolen items are not covered.
Contact information for each company ’s Instrument rep is below.
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