Institutional Federal Compliance Report 2021

Federal Compliance Report 2021 Final1
Appendix A17
Effective November 2, 202017
Procedure to Inspect Education Records19
Limitation on Right of Access19
Refusal to Provide Copies19
While FERPA generally prohibits an institution from denying access to Education Records, it does permit an institution, under certain circumstances, to deny a request for copies of records. The College may deny a request for copies of records, not oth...19
Fees for Copies of Records20
Official Transcripts: $ 8.0020
All other Education Records: $ 0.25/page20
Types and Location of Education Records20
Disclosure of Education Records20
Record of Requests for Disclosure21
Opting Out of the Release of Directory Information22
Correction of Education Records22
Appendix B25
Nondiscrimination Policy30
Complaint process:31
If you feel that the school or an accredited program has failed to meet the expectations of accreditation, you may file a complaint with the program’s accrediting body.31
SUNY Optometry has its own internal process for resolving complaints, See Formal Complaint Procedure for Students.31
The Optometric Oath32
Student Code of Ethics33
Formal Complaint Procedure for Students33
Records of Formal Complaints:34
Complaints to Accrediting Bodies35
If you feel that the school or an accredited program has failed to meet the expectations of accreditation, you may file a complaint with the program’s accrediting body.35
Student Conduct Code36
Procedures for Enforcing the Student Conduct Code40
3) General Provisions43
a) Advisors: Complainants and respondents have the right to seek advice from an advisor (attorney, clergy, parent, faculty member, or whomever they choose). One advisor, upon request, may be present during a hearing, but may not represent or speak on ...43
b) Confidentiality: Information provided to College officials during this process shall be considered private and will only be shared with other College officials and the University Police Department on a “need to know” basis. The College officials wi...44
c) Retaliation/Intimidation/Harassment: Retaliation, intimidation, or harassment against any complainant, witness or individual involved with the Procedures is strictly prohibited. Attempts to retaliate, intimidate, or harass through verbal, written, ...44
d) Conduct Violations and Amnesty for Alcohol and Drug Use Violations: The health and safety of every student at the College is of utmost importance. The College recognizes that students who have been drinking and/or using drugs (whether such use is v...44
4) Proceedings45
5) Cases of Alleged Academic Misconduct Resolved at the Department Level49
q) Cases Submitted Directly to SCO. Written charges of alleged academic misconduct that occur within the context of a particular course, clinic, or laboratory may be brought by a complainant directly to the Student Conduct Officer (SCO), who will init...49
r) Cases Handled within Academic Department. Cases of alleged academic misconduct may be handled by the instructor or record of the course, clinic, or lab, under the advisement and with the approval of the department chair, but only with the written c...49
i) The Student Conduct Code and these Procedures afford the accused student with due process rights, including the right to an investigation, the right to an informal or formal review of the evidence, the right of appeal, and right to appropriate noti...49
ii) Alleged misconduct reviewed by the instructor of record and the department chair that is deemed to be so egregious that the misconduct cannot be resolved by the sanctions available to the department (failure of the respective assignment or the ent...49
iii) If the accused student does not consent to adjudication at the department level, or if he or she does not consent to the sanctions to be imposed at the department level, the instructor or record or the department chair may submit the complaint to...50
s) Once a resolution between the accused student and instructor or record is reached and approved by the department chair, the department chair shall write a Letter of Academic Misconduct Resolution, which includes the following information:50
i) Name of the student respondent50
ii) Date the letter is written and signed50
iii) Name of the faculty member who alleged that academic misconduct occurred50
iv) Name and section number of the course or lab50
v) Description of the alleged academic misconduct (as written in Section 1.1.A. of the Code), including the dates and times that the alleged misconduct occurred50
vi) Brief description of the evidence weighed to determine that misconduct occurred50
vii) Sanctions imposed by the academic department and accepted by the student50
viii) Statement of student’s waiver of rights to further adjudication of the case, including waiver of appeal50
ix) Signatures of the department chair, the faculty member, and the student respondent.50
d) The Code and Procedures, together, provide the College with a mechanism to consider an accused student’s entire set of circumstances, including whether the reported instance of academic misconduct is part of a pattern of misconduct. Accordingly:50
i) After a resolution between the accused student and the instructor of record is reached and approved by the department chair, the department chair shall promptly send the original Letter of Academic Misconduct Resolution to the Office of the VPAA, a...50
ii) When the Letter Academic Misconduct Resolution is received by the Student Conduct Officer, the respondent shall be placed on disciplinary probation, as defined in Section (6) of the Procedures with the condition that any further violation of the S...50
6) Possible Sanctions50
a) Academic Departmental Sanctions. Alleged student conduct violations that are handled by an academic department result in sanctions that include failure of a respective assignment, or failure of the entire course, clinic or laboratory, but do not in...50
b) Educational and Remedial Sanctions. Assignments, such as work, research, essays, service to the College or the community, training, counseling, or other remedies intended to discourage a repeat of the misconduct or as deemed appropriate based upon ...51
c) Restitution. Compensation for loss, damages or injury. This may include appropriate service and/or monetary material replacement.51
d) Loss of Financial Aid. Scholarships, loans, grants, fellowships, and any other types of state financial aid given or guaranteed for the purposes of academic assistance can be conditioned, limited, cancelled or denied.51
e) Denial of Access to Campus or Persons. A designated period of time during which the student is not permitted: (i) on College property or specified areas of Campus or (ii) to have contact (physical or otherwise) with the complainant, witnesses or ot...51
f) Disciplinary Probation. A designated period of time during which privileges of continuing in student status are conditioned upon future behavior. Conditions may include the potential loss of specified privileges to which a current student would oth...51
g) Suspension. Temporary separation of the student from active student status or student status.51
h) Expulsion. Permanent separation of the student from student status from the College. Expulsion shall be entered on the student’s transcript permanently without exception; this requirement shall not be waived in connection with a settlement agreement.51
i) Multiple Sanctions. More than one sanction may be imposed for a single violation.51
Health Policy52
Mandatory Student Immunizations for Measles, Mumps and Rubella52
Information about Hepatitis B and the Vaccine (Recombinant)53
Alcohol and Drug Policy54
College Policy Statement on Drug and Alcohol Use by Students55
Tobacco-Free Policy57
Smoking Cessation Opportunities58
Emergency Services59
On Campus Emergencies59
Useful Resources59
Campus Safety Information60
Security and Access to the College (College Hours)60
Sensitive and/or Personal Crimes:61
Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures61
Sexual Harassment & Violence61
Sexual Assault, Rape, Stalking and Domestic Violence63
SUNY College of Optometry Sexual Violence Victim/Survivor Bill of Rights
Registered Sex Offenders64
SafeInSigh App64
Health Services65
General Health Services65
Mental Health Practitioners66
Stress Management66
Health Insurance Program Options67
Professional Standards of Dress69
Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy71
Academic Information and Policies72
Course Description72
Policy for Student Leave Requests from Courses and Clinic72
Notes for student leave requests:73
Statement on Student Use of Educational Materials74
Faculty Office Hours75
Academic Progress and Degree Requirements75
Grading System75
Grade Posting76
Course Remediation76
Student Grievances and Appeals of Final Grade77
Dean’s List78
Academic Probation: Professional Program78
Ineligibility to Advance: Professional Program79
Academic Dismissal79
Appeal of Academic Dismissal79
Readmitted Student79
Students Repeating a Year of Study80
Disciplinary Action80
Leave of Absence80
Withdrawal Process81
Exemption from Course Requirements81
Auditing Courses81
Transfer Credit82
Student Coursework82
National Board Examination for the Doctor of Optometry83
National Board Examination Part III Travel Policy83
State Licensure for the Doctor of Optometry83
Registration and Maintenance of Matriculation83
Course and Faculty Evaluation84
Religious Observances Policy84
New York State Education Law, Article 5 Section 224-a. Students unable because of religious beliefs to register or attend classes on certain days.85
Policy on Externships Abroad and Mission Trips86
Eligibility for Externships Abroad86
Selection Process86
Eligibility for Participation on Missions Trips Abroad87
Student Support Services89
Academic Advising89
Clinical Enhancement Program89
Mental Health Services90
11th Floor Safe Zone90
Mental Health Professional Counseling91
Tea Chats91
Interfaith Prayer and Meditation Room91
Suicide Prevention91
Pre-Personal Counseling91
Food Pantry92
Career Counseling92
Minority Enrichment92
Student Housing93
Housing Committee93
Housing Day93
Veterans Benefits94
Harold Kohn Vision Science Library94
Hours of Operation94
Records Policy96
Educational Rights & Privacy Act96
Public Records96
Confidential Records97
Availability of Records to Students98
The Retention of Records99
Clinical Programs and Policies100
University Eye Center and Satellite Clinics100
Patient Confidentiality100
Examinations of Family Members101
Patient Responsibility101
Taking Care of Business at SUNY102
College office hours102
Tuition & Fees102
Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for the Determination of Eligibility for Student Financial Aid102
Payment Procedures102
Late Payment of Tuition103
Deferment of Tuition103
Tuition for Students on an Approved Medical Leave103
Tuition for Students Remediating Coursework103
Eligibility and Disbursement of Financial Aid103
Change of Address104
Lockers and mailboxes104
Name Tags104
Student Instruments104
Instrument Issues104
Instrument Insurance105
Appendix A - Financial Aid Information and Policies106
Financial Aid Packaging Policy106
Application Process106
Disbursement of Student Financial Aid107
Appendix B - Students with Disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)109
Requesting a Reasonable Accommodation under ADA110
Types of Accommodations110
Behavioral Concerns111
Grievance Procedures111
Appendix C - Functional Requirements for Succeeding in Optometry School and as a Doctor of Optometry112
Functional Standards for Didactic and Clinical Optometric Education112
Observation Abilities112
Auditory Abilities113
Tactile Abilities113
Communication Abilities113
Sensory and Motor Coordination Abilities113
Intellectual, Conceptual, Integrative and Quantitative Abilities114
Behavioral and Social Attributes114
Appendix D - New York Penal Law115
§ 130.66 Aggravated sexual abuse in the third degree.122
Appendix C127
Appendix D129
Appendix E131
Appendix F132
Appendix G332
2018 CAFR unsecured332
(1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies600
(a) Reporting Entity600
(b) Basis of Presentation600
(c) Basis of Accounting600
(d) Matching Costs601
(2) Relationship to Federal Financial Reports601
(3) Indirect Cost Rate601
(4) Unemployment Insurance601
(5) Loan and Loan Guarantee Program601
(a) Federal Student Loan and Loan Guarantee Programs601
(b) Home Investment Partnerships Program602
(c) Hurricane Sandy Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Grants602
(6) Non-Cash Awards603
(7) Litigation603
(1) Summary of Auditors’ Results604
(2) Findings Relating to the Financial Statements Reported in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards605
(3) Findings and Questioned Costs Relating to Federal Awards605
DOB Corrective Action Plans Final 12-13-18724
Pages for DOB CAPS.pdf759
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2018 PYFU KPMG Final 11-28-18781
DOB Prior Year Finding Package 2018 Final 11-23-18781
Appendix H840
00-Inside Front Cover841
01-Front Section842
02-Basic Financial Stmts874
03-Notes 1-8896
03-Notes 9-16941
04-Required Supplementary Info974
06-Federal Special Revenue1000
07-General Debt Service1006
08-Other Governmental1008
09-Special Revenue1014
10-Debt Service1022
11-Capital Projects1028
13-Non-Major Component Units1048
14-Statistical Section1054
15-Inside Back Cover1094
FINAL Corrective Action Plans.pdf1264
LATS MLC OGS CAP 11-12-2019 v2.pdf1264
Appendix I1338
Appendix J1347
Appendix K1356
Appendix L1358
Appendix M1378
Appendix N1447
Appendix O1455
Appendix P1456
Appendix Q1459
Appendix R1462 - 1463
Fall 2019 1st yr. schedule1462 - 1463
Fall 2019 1st yr. schedule1462 - 1463
Fall 2019 2nd yr. schedule1464 - 1465
Fall 2019 2nd yr. schedule1464 - 1465
Fall 2019 3rd yr. schedule1466 - 1467
Fall 2020 1st yr. schedule1468 - 1469
Fall 2020 Year 11468 - 1469
Fall 2020 2nd yr. schedule1470 - 1471
Fall 2020 2nd yr. schedule1470 - 1471
Fall 2020 3rd yr. schedule1472 - 1473

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