IRPC AA 121614
t pa t care: 1. Deliver a customizable professional degree program that ensures active integrated learning while preparing students for problem ‐ orien ed • Pr ming • s basic science in alt tien aining
ovide opportunities for inco tudents to place out of certain courses and participate ernative educational tracks, independent study search. velop accelerated ‐ or adva tanding OD programs for scient and internationally trained physicians and optometrists. nced s ists including and re
Align pre ‐ clinical and clinical tr with current and future trends in optometric practice. Ensure the curriculum effectively integrates basic and clinical and teaches critical thinking and principles of evidence ‐ based pr Explore and implement te that support and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the delivery of course materials. Develop the library’s electronic resources and make them readily accessible to students, clinicians, scientists and alumni.
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