
SUNY Optometry/GCVR Graduate Policy Document Amended September 25, 2018

C. It shall be the responsibility of the Associate Dean to inform students concerning available advisors and to inform all qualified faculty of students who are in need of advisors. D. For the Ph.D. program, an advisor should be selected no later than the end of the student's third semester in the program. For the M.S. and O.D.-M.S. programs, an advisor should be selected no later than the end of the student’s first full semester in the program. E. The Associate Dean, or his or her designee, shall be the interim advisor to students who have not yet selected an advisor. F. A student who does not or cannot identify an advisor willing to work with the student may not remain in the program. G. A formal event for prospective O.D-M.S. students, with lectures/demonstrations by available advisors, will occur in the Fall semester of the first year of the professional program. Students will then interview with the advisors of their choice.

H. A student may change to a new advisor with the consent of the Associate Dean.

I. A student shall signify her or his choice of advisor, or change in advisor, by a written statement, signed by both the student and the new advisor, filed with the office of the Associate Dean. In the case of a change of advisor, the office of the Associate Dean shall immediately notify the previous advisor of the requested change


A. Registration

1. Each semester, a student’s registration form must be approved on-line by her or his advisor as specified in the academic calendar.

B. Adding Courses

1. With the approval of the instructor and the approval of the student's advisor, a student may add courses to his or her program using the on-line registration procedure within the first two weeks of the semester. C. Withdrawal from Courses 1. A student may withdraw from a course using the on-line registration procedure within the first four weeks of the course without the registration or withdrawal being recorded on the transcript. 2. A student withdrawing within the first four weeks must give notice to the instructor of his/her intention to withdraw. 1. To maintain active full-time status, students normally must maintain registration in at least 12 semester-hours of graduate credit in each of the academic-year semesters (Fall, and Spring). With the written approval of her or his advisor, a student may petition the Associate Dean to be granted full-time status for a particular semester while maintaining registration for as few as 9 semester-hours of credit. A recommendation to approve such a petition shall be at the discretion of the Graduate Program Committee. Students enrolled for fewer than 9 credits shall be considered part-time. D. Requirements for Active Status


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