Faculty Handbook
TERRORISM The threat of terrorism and terrorism related incidents are realities in today's world. As such our emergency response plan covers threats of chemical explosives, radioactive threats, and the concept of sheltering-in-place. Whenever the environment outside the College is contaminated and there is an emergency alert advising occupants of our neighborhood to Shelter-in-Place, the following actions will be taken; • UPD will make an announcement using the Emergency Notification System to relay required course of action. • For Bio-chemical threats; occupants of the building will be relocated above the ground level to floors: 4 th , 3 rd , and 3M. • For radiological or dirty bomb threats, occupants will be relocated below the ground level to the sub-basement, using the C exit staircase. • Facilities will shut down the air handling system in the building. • University Police will shut down the elevators and secured the entrances into the building • Everyone will be sheltered inside the building until an all-clear notification is received from local emergency responders to let people back out into the streets. VIOLENT CRITICAL INCIDENTS Violent incidents such as Active Shooter incidents, Armed Intruder incidents, Barricaded persons or hostage situations, and violent felony offenses are covered in the College's Emergency Response Plan. Employees are encouraged to be vigilant and to report suspicious behaviors to University Police Department. The College policy and procedure on sexual harassment, workplace violence prevention, and domestic violence prevention are available in the Human Resources Office on the 9th floor and on the College’s website.
Employees should avail themselves to resources available to NYS employees by visiting: https://worklife.ny.gov/eap/ (EAP).
UTILITY FAILURES Any incident involving loss of utility must be reported to:
• Facilities Department at extension 5583/5579/5944 • University Police Department at extension 5566
EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION AND TIMELY WARNINGS/NOTIFICATIONS Notification during any emergency affecting the College will be made using the following outlets: • SUNY Optometry Emergency Mass Notification System • Fire Panel Emergency Notification System • College web site, https://www.sunyopt.edu • College Office 365-Outlook electronic mail system • Recorded message on the main college telephone line, 212-938-4000 • Word of mouth/Phone tree/Posted alert messages
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