Faculty Handbook
2. Other graduate seminars/tutorials shall be designated as GE300 level courses. Proposals for graduate courses by faculty must be submitted to the Associate Dean prior to the semester in which the seminar is proposed to be offered. The Associate Dean shall consider such proposals and shall recommend whether the proposal be accepted, rejected, or modified as to content and amount of meeting time and associated credit. C. Credit for research and independent study 1. Students may register for and receive credit for independent study. Such credit shall be at the G300-level and may be applied towards their graduate degree. 2. Students working toward the PhD or MS degree may register for and receive credit for their research activities. Such credit shall be designated at the G400-level or G200-level, respectively. 3. It is expected that a student do at least 2 hours of work per week for each one semester hour of credit for research.
4. Research shall receive credit-only grades. D. Credit for work to be done at other institutions
1. A student enrolled in the graduate program may, with the written approval of their advisor, petition the Associate Dean to receive graduate credit for courses, seminars, or research to be undertaken at another institution. Subsequently, the Associate Dean will determine if credit is given. Petitions must be received by the Associate Dean with adequate time to act upon before the beginning of the semester.
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