Faculty Handbook

Non-tenure track faculty members shall nominate to CPQ at least three individuals. At least two of these nominated individuals must hold faculty rank with one of these holding a rank equal to or higher than aspired to by the candidate. CPQ will solicit letters of reference from at least three individuals taking into account the candidates’ recommendations but shall not be bound by the candidate’s recommendations. Reviewers will be given the candidates Curriculum Vitae , self-assessment narrative, other relevant information and the CPQ criteria for promotion. All letters of reference shall be sent directly to the chair of CPQ and included in the recommendation to the dean. CPQ may, at its discretion, request additional information from, confer and/or meet with references or other qualified individuals to assess a candidate’s qualifications for promotion and/or tenure. A list of those interviewed, their rank, and relationship to the applicant shall be included in the confidential record. Funds, reasonable to this purpose, shall be made available by the Office for Academic Affairs to carry forth this function. In addition to the letters of reference that shall be solicited by CPQ, the candidate may request that individuals send letters of recommendations directly to CPQ. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that all these letters of recommendation are received by CPQ in a timely manner. At the time the candidate submits recommendations for letters of reference, they may also suggest individuals, both internal and external to SUNY Optometry, with whom they would like the committee to meet. CPQ may meet with these individuals at its discretion. Recommendations Made by CPQ CPQ will make a written recommendation directly to the dean. This recommendation will take the form of a letter that addresses the candidate’s performance in each of three review criteria and will be accompanied by all supporting documents. Performance in each area will be rated as excellent, good, acceptable, or not satisfactory. Voting by CPQ shall be by closed ballet. In its recommendation, which shall be signed by each of the committee members, the vote tally shall be included. CPQ’s letter to the dean, but not letters of reference/recommendation, shall be shared with the candidate. The Dean is not bound by the recommendations of CPQ and has a duty to perform an independent analysis of the candidate’s credentials and potential for future success. The Dean makes his own recommendation to the President and forwards both recommendations to the President for consideration. The President has unfettered discretion in his review to accept or reject recommendations. CPQ shall meet at least annually with the dean and president to present its recommendations and/or discuss policy issues. Department of Biological and Vision Sciences: Criteria for Promotion and Tenure The Department of Biological and Vision Sciences shall be constituted of faculty members with both tenured/tenure earning and non-tenure earning appointments. The ranks for the tenured/tenure earning positions are assistant professor, associate professor, and professor. For non-tenure earning positions, the ranks are research instructor, assistant research professor, associate research professor and research professor. Promotion and the awarding of tenure within the Departments of Biological and Vision Sciences requires excellent performance in teaching and scholarship and at least good performance in service unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the primary supervisor and dean. Scholarship for these departments


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