Faculty Handbook

transfers are allowed from a tenure-track position to a qualified rank position or vice versa, individual ranks will be renegotiated between the president, dean and the faculty. For example, a change from Clinical Associate Professor does not necessarily translate to a rank of Associate Professor. Standards to be Applied in Considerations of Promotion and Tenure The expectations for performance in the areas of scholarship, teaching and service will be negotiated in writing at the time of hire and will reflect the expectations for promotion as described in the CPQ policies. The expectations may be changed at a later point upon written approval of the primary supervisor and dean. It is expected that a faculty member’s academic assignments and responsibilities will reflect the negotiated emphasis and the expectations for promotion as defined by CPQ policy. Continuing Appointment (Tenure) The SUNY chancellor, after considering the recommendation of the President, may grant continuing appointment. The awarding of continuing appointment (tenure) is governed by the SUNY Policies of the Board of Trustees (Article XI, Appointment of Employees). At SUNY State College of Optometry, full-time faculty members holding non-qualified ranks of associate professor and professor may be considered for continuing appointment. Promotion to associate professor and the granting of tenure may occur concurrently. Only in exceptional cases will a faculty member be awarded tenure at their initial appointment, and in such cases the candidate will be reviewed by CPQ prior to the awarding of tenure according to the criteria set forth in this document. Faculty members are generally considered for promotion from assistant professor to associate professor after five years of service. A full-time faculty member may hold an appointment of assistant professor for no more than seven years, and further employment at SUNY State College of Optometry must be at the rank of associate professor (with or without tenure). Employment as professor or associate professor at SUNY State College of Optometry after the third consecutive year of employment at such rank must be based on continuing appointment. While a non-tenured associate professor must be reviewed for tenure and/or promotion after one year in service at such rank, a tenured associate professor will generally be reviewed for promotion to professor after five years at such rank. Leaves of Absence For those faculty members who are on a tenure track and whose time in a rank is limited by Board of Trustee Policies, an official leave of absence, approved by the president, shall “stop the clock” during the duration of the leave of absence. The duration of the leave shall be specified in the approval letter. Such leave of absence may be requested per college policy in relation to personal or family illness, pregnancy, childcare, or other circumstances. Leaves may be requested for full or part-time faculty. Initiating the Review Process The timeline for the review of tenure-track and tenured faculty is discussed above under Continuing Appointment (Tenure). Faculty members holding qualified academic ranks (clinical instructor, assistant clinical professor, associate clinical professor and clinical professor or research instructor, assistant research professor, associate research professor and research professor) may be considered for promotion after completion of five years at their current rank and only in exceptional circumstances may be considered earlier. After consultation with their primary supervisor, the candidate may request, in writing, a formal review by CPQ. A candidate may initiate a review without the support of their primary supervisor. This request, which the candidate is to send to the chair of CPQ with copies to their primary supervisor and the dean, should state the rank/status the candidate is seeking.


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