Faculty Handbook
SUNY College of Optometry
Faculty Handbook 2022-23
The judicial committee shall issue a written decision report to the VPAA and issue a copy to the VPAIP (SCO), within 30 working days after the hearing. The report shall include the rationale for the decision along with any sanctions to be imposed against the respondent. Suspension from the College and/or expulsion from the College for academic misconduct may be placed on the student’s transcript, at the discretion of the judicial committee. (11) Notice of Decision to the Respondent The Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) shall review the written decision report and send notification, within 10 working days of receiving it from the judicial committee, via certified mail, to the respondent’s address on file with the college registrar. (12) Case Appeals The respondent may seek an appeal within 15 working days of delivery of the written decision via certified mail. The appeal must be in writing and submitted to the VPAA who will consider granting an appeal in his/ her discretion based on the following: Note: Refer to SUNY Optometry Sexual Violence Response Policy and Procedure and to the SUNY College of Optometry Students’ Bill of Rights for appeal procedures related to cases involving sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. Both documents are located in the Student Handbook and provide detailed information about the rights of complainants who report alleged violations of sexual and interpersonal violence. Sanctions imposed at the conclusion of an initial hearing may not be increased or made more severe, but may only be lowered or made less severe, at the conclusion of an appeal. The respondent has no further right to appeal. However, the College president, in his review of a case, may choose to reopen it for a second level of appeal for the same three reasons listed under Section 11 of the Procedures. (13) Cases Submitted Directly to SCO. Written charges of alleged academic misconduct that occur within the context of a particular course, clinic, or laboratory may be brought by a complainant directly to the Student Conduct Officer (SCO), who will initiate the student conduct process, as outlined in Section (4) of these Procedures to resolve alleged violations by students of the Student Conduct Code. In cases of alleged academic misconduct, the SCO will confer with the respective department chair before exercising his discretion in the disposition of the case. (14) Cases Handled within Academic Department. Cases of alleged academic misconduct may be handled by the instructor or record of the course, clinic, or lab, under the advisement and with the approval of the department chair, but only with the written consent of the student. Cases handled within an academic department shall not result in the accused student receiving a sanction more severe than failing the respective assignment or the entire course, clinic, or laboratory in which the conduct allegedly occurred. • New compelling evidence not discovered prior to the hearing • The decision was not supported by the evidence • Other compelling reason presented by the respondent seeking the appeal
5) Cases of Alleged Academic Misconduct Resolved at the Department Level
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