Faculty Handbook
II. Organization of the Faculty
A. HUMAN RESOURCE POLICIES Appointments, retention, rank, salary, tenure, and other such human resources matters are governed by the policies of the Board of Trustees and the negotiated agreement between the State and the union representing the faculty.
B. OFFICERS 1. The PRESIDING OFFICER of the faculty will call and conduct faculty meetings.
2. The PRESIDING OFFICER-ELECT will act in the absence of the presiding officer. The presiding officer elect will succeed the presiding officer of the faculty, and each will serve two-year terms in office. 3. The IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDING OFFICER will remain on the Faculty Executive Committee for a two-year term. 4. The SECRETARY will take attendance at all faculty meetings, and record and maintain minutes of the meetings. If not present at a meeting, an acting secretary shall be appointed from those in attendance by the presiding officer. The secretary will serve for two years, and incumbents may succeed themselves one time only. 5. The FACULTY SENATOR will represent the faculty on the University Faculty Senate and will render reports to the faculty on University Faculty Senate affairs. An elected ALTERNATE SENATOR shall serve in their absence. The senator and alternate will serve terms of three years and may succeed themselves one time only. 6. The REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM (also representing the Residency Programs and the Continuing Professional Education Program) and the REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GRADUATE PROGRAM will represent their respective constituencies on the Executive Committee. Each will serve for two years, and incumbents may succeed themselves one time only. Responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to: o Monitor the functioning of the respective elected and appointed committees, reporting on a regular basis to the Faculty Executive Committee. o Facilitate communication and coordination of activities among the president, dean, vice presidents, the faculty, and the faculty of the respective programs; assist the faculty presiding officer to coordinate faculty meetings with respect to the business of these programs; and to convene meetings of the faculty of these programs. 7. No person may simultaneously hold more than one office. C. ELECTIONS 1. The presiding officer elect, secretary, senator, alternate senator, and College-wide Elected Committee members will be elected by the faculty prior to expiration of their term of office. Elected officers will assume office on July 1 of the year in which they are elected, except for the senator and alternate senator who will assume office in the fall of the year in which they are elected. 2. A nominating committee will prepare a slate of candidates. This committee will consist of the presiding officer, the immediate past presiding officer, and the presiding officer elect (who will
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