Faculty Handbook
Purpose: The Committee on Health and Safety and Energy Conservation addresses issues of health and safety within the building and on the property to promote the general well-being of the College community, patients, and visitors. The Committee also promotes awareness of energy consumption and conservation strategies to the College community as part of its role in the on-going operation of the Optometry Conservation and Sustainability Plan. Reporting Link: The Committee on Health and Safety and Energy Conservation reports to the Vice President for Administration and Finance. Specific Responsibilities: The Committee: • Serves in an advisory capacity to the Administration, the University Police Department and the Facilities Department; • Is charged with bringing matters of concern voiced by the College Community to the attention of these departments; • Conducts safety tours and security and energy audits of the building; • Approves the Annual Security Report required by SUNY System Administration and Federal regulations; • Initiates and/or reviews institutional policies and procedures related to health and safety, including College’s emergency preparedness, and; • Makes recommendations, through an annual report, to the Vice President for Administration and Finance and President, or another administrative officer as appropriate. At least half of the Committee’s members shall be female, and three of whom are ex-officio members who are staff in the University Police and Facilities Departments. Membership may vary on a year-to-year basis. • Ex-Officio members are non-voting members. • Committee members are appointed on an annual basis by the Vice President for Administration and Finance at the recommendation of the Committee’s chair; • Members may be re-appointed each year. • Four student representatives are appointed with one coming from the graduate program. • The Chair is appointed by the Vice President for Administration and Finance. Membership: •
Decision-Making: Decisions are made by a majority vote by all voting members present.
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