SUNY College of Optometry Summer 2020 Elective Courses Friday: 10:00AM - 12:00PM (June 5 – July 31, 2020)
Clinical Decision Making In Glaucoma Course Code: ELC ‐ 523
Instructors: Dr. Matthew Bovenzi and Dr. Richard Madonna
Department: ClinEd
Maximum Enrollment: 20 The course will be taught through the use of multiple case examples in which management of the glaucoma patient is in question. The cases will require evidence ‐ based clinical decisions be made but will also show that there are often several appropriate management pathways that can be taken in any case. These management nuances are very difficult to teach in a beginning glaucoma course so this course can truly be thought of building upon the foundation taught in the Ocular Disease I course. Additionally, where appropriate, new ideas in glaucoma management that have the potential to change the way we manage the disease will be discussed.
Visual Field Techniques and Applications for Glaucoma Course Code: ELC ‐ 525
Instructor: Dr. Suresh Viswanathan
Department: BVS
Maximum enrollment: 12 This course is intended to expose students to current and emerging visual field assessment techniques in glaucoma patients. The course will provide the physiological and psychophysical basis for of different visual field ‐ testing strategies, testing methods, data presentation, and interpretation of results. The visual field strategies covered in the course include manual kinetic perimetry, standard automated static perimetry, microperimetry, short wavelength perimetry (SWAP), frequency doubling technology (FDT) perimetry, contrast sensitivity perimetry, edge perimetry, multifocal electroretinogram and multifocal visually evoked potentials. The course will also discuss the correlation of visual field changes to structural changes in glaucoma and the application of the combined information for understanding glaucoma progression. Maximum enrollment: 10 This course is designed for students who are planning to incorporate genetic testing and counseling into their clinical practice. It is predicated upon the material presented on genetics in Human Bioscience I and on ocular genetics in Ocular Anatomy, Biochemistry and Physiology II. The following topics will be discussed in detail: 1. General features of genetic testing for ocular disease. 2. Mechanism of visual transduction. 3. Results of AREDS (Age ‐ Related Eye Diseases Study) and AREDS2. 4. Genetics controversy regarding supplement recommendations for age ‐ related macular degeneration (AMD). 5. Genotype ‐ phenotype relationships in hereditary retinal degenerative disease with emphasis on: a) rhodopsin (R) mutations that cause autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP). b) contrasting these R mutations with those that cause congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB). c) ABCA4 mutations that cause Stargardt disease (STGD1). d) RPE65 mutations that cause Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA). 6. Gene therapy. 7. Genetic counseling. Ocular Genetics Course Code: ELC ‐ 546 Instructor: Dr. Jerry Rapp Department: BVS
Summer, 2020 Elective Course Catalog
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