Last Name : ______________________________ First Name : ______________________________ Middle Name : _________________________
Check One:
IMMUNIZATION / VACCINES (See attachment for exemptions.)
A copy of the MMR immunization record OR a copy of blood work results must be submitted. (See attachment for examples of acceptable documentation.)
MEASLES (RUBEOLA) - One of the following three requirements must be met for those born on or after 1/1/1957 - a copy of these documents from a previous employer or school can also be used to meet requirement: 1. Two doses of live measles vaccine administered (with first dose received on or after 12 months and second dose received more than 30 days after the first but after 15 months) Date of 1 st Dose: ________________ Product administered: ___________________________
Date of 2 nd Dose: ________________
Product administered: ___________________________
2. Physician diagnosis of disease (see attachment for acceptable documentation) 3. Serologic evidence of immunity (copy of blood work required): Titer Date: ________________ Results: ___________ MUMPS - One of the following three requirements must be met: 1. One dose of live mumps vaccine administered (received no more than 4 days prior to the first birthday)
Date of 1 st Dose: ________________
Product administered: ____________________________
2. Physician diagnosis of disease (see attachment for acceptable documentation) 3. Serologic evidence of immunity (copy of blood work required): Titer Date: ________________ Results: ____________
RUBELLA - One of the following two requirements must be met – a copy of these documents from a previous employer or school can also be used to meet requirement:
1. One dose of live rubella vaccine administered (received on or after the age of 12 months)
Date of 1 st Dose: ________________
Product administered: _______________________________
2. Serologic evidence of immunity (copy of blood work required): Titer Date: ________________ Results: ____ __________
TUBERCULOSIS (TB) Serial Screening and Testing (annually after initial onboarding) - Routine annual TB testing no longer required. Rather, an annual risk assessment and symptoms survey must be completed. TB testing required if any symptoms suggestive of TB noted or new risks identified . a. Symptoms Screening: Does the employee have any of the following: i. Chronic cough greater than 3 weeks Yes ____ No ____ ii. Night sweats Yes ____ No ____ iii. Chronic fatigue Yes ____ No ____ iv. Bloody sputum Yes ____ No ____ v. Involuntary weight loss Yes ____ No ____
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