8.5 Expand data driven decision making in the admission process through the ongoing evaluation of the pre- and post-admissions factors that predict academic and clinical success 8.6 Further develop advanced standing OD programs for internationally trained scientists, physicians and optometrists

8.4 Develop effective communications strategies for attracting and engaging prospective students — Leverage digital media to attract and enroll prospective students

— Allocate resources toward high yield and strategically important markets and reach to secondary and tertiary markets through a mix of traditional, digital and armchair recruitment initiatives — Highlight alumni success stories in recruitment programs — Recruit, activate and support alumni who volunteer as admissions ambassadors

Goal 9: Provide the financial foundation, administrative support and environment to achieve the College’s mission

9.6 Expand philanthropic and overall development efforts that increase support for the following institution priorities: — Increasing student scholarships and programs — Capital improvements as noted in Goal 9.2 — Faculty and professional development programs — Enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of the College community (DIMP 2.0 – Goal 6) — Providing care for the medically underserved populations in our community 9.7 Identify new and advance existing relationships with industry leaders through meaningful partnerships, marketing and financial support 9.8 Increase positive visibility and media recognition in tristate marketplace

9.1 Ensure healthy mix of revenue and funding sources 9.2 Invest in infrastructure, including the following priorities to be completed by 2025: — Complete renovation of two of the floors devoted to UEC patient care — Buildout the facilities needed for the College’s CVRC on the 14th floor — Design and construction of a new translational research center on the 16th floor 9.3 Continue to collect, publish, analyze and act on performance data 9.4 Foster strategic and data-driven decision making, and enhance transparency and accountability 9.5 Improve financial performance through increased non- taxpayer originated revenues and responsible spending using mission driven strategies


10 SUNY OPTOMETRY 2018–2025

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