Service to Our Patients and Community
Goal 4: Deliver unparalleled care to our University Eye Center patients
4.1 Increase access (affordability, availability, accessibility, accommodation and acceptability) to current UEC services and expand services as appropriate to meet the needs of our patients and educational programs 4.2 Improve the quality of care — Continue integration of new and emerging technologies into patient care — Increase emphasis on best practices and evidence based medicine — Expand use of interdisciplinary, team-based care (collaborative practice) strategies — Improve care coordination and patient advocacy programs — Expand patient access to educational information about their eye care, health and health-related behaviors 4.3 Develop strategies to enhance the patient experience and increase patient satisfaction — Develop additional methods for patients to provide feedback about the services we provide and the care they receive — Implement training programs to improve efficiency and the patient experience — Streamline patient flow within the clinic — Facilitate the exchange of patient information between providers and with patients via patient portals and health information exchanges — Ensure that all clinical services are provided in a culturally sensitive manner 4.4 Educate the college community on cultural humility and sensitivity and empower them to apply those principles to patient care and provide clinical services in a culturally sensitive manner (DIMP 2.0 – Goal 4) 4.5 Enhance the visibility and positioning of the UEC across communication and outreach channels
— Increase awareness in the medical community about the services we provide and how we can complement the care of other professionals — Create a positive narrative for the UEC across digital media channels, highlighting the successes of the college in clinical research and patient care services to the community — Develop communications strategies to enhance visibility of the UEC and the services offered which improve access to care for the uninsured and underinsured 4.6 Improve operations to enhance the quality of care and patient healthcare outcomes — Ensure operational consistency with reporting and reimbursement models under health care reform — Explore and expand, as indicated, the use of ancillary personnel to improve efficiency and patient satisfaction
6 SUNY OPTOMETRY 2018–2025
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