on a public bulletin board in your department. Obtaining a Network User Account:

To use the SUNY College of Optometry public access computers, it is necessary to have an account which is unique for each user. An account provides access to a MS Windows desktop with MS Office, Mozilla Firefox, MS Internet Explorer, e-mail, plus private storage space on a server (the "H:" drive) where you can keep your documents. You can just walk up to any of the workstations, enter your User ID and password and your files will be available at any workstation, similar to the current handling of electronic mail files. Each account is protected from unauthorized access, in part, by requiring the use of a unique password to identify the legitimate user. Users are responsible for protecting the security of their own accounts and passwords, and are responsible for all usage on their assigned account. Please see the Guidelines for Password Protection for responsible handling of passwords and account information. Standard Format All user accounts are created according to the standard format user1234 , with the numbers indicating your unique user account name. Public Access Computer Area Policies: Currently, all public access computers are located in the Kohn Library, and are administered by the Office of Information Technology in consultation with the Library. Although the Library is open for reference and reading use by the general public, public access computers are restricted to use by members of the College community and special guests. Individuals making use of the public access computer facilities and thin client workstations are expected to attend to the following policy issues: Changes to public access workstations  Users are prohibited from installing or using unauthorized software (including games, screensavers, plug-ins and communication software), or changing default parameters on the installed software base of public access computers.  Users are prohibited from deleting icons or programs from public access machines. Inappropriate practices : Users will refrain from engaging in such inappropriate practices as:  Unnecessary printing or printing multiple copies of files  Printing extremely graphics-heavy web pages  Unnecessarily tying up public access workstations for long periods of time when others are waiting for these resources


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