Information Technology Services The Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) addresses the information technology needs for the educational, administrative, clinical and research areas of the College. ITS provides consultation to the College community through an active process of needs assessment, planning, development, selection, implementation, administration, training and support. ITS also manages the College network, including the wired and wireless network infrastructure, electronic mail and conferencing system, University wide Video Conferencing System (UVCS) and the College web server. Lastly, ITS provides comprehensive technical support throughout the College community. Mr. Robert Pellot, Chief Information Officer Phone: (212) 938-5720, Fax: (212)-938-5723; e-mail: rpellot@sunyopt.edu Mr. Jorge Villon, Director of Enterprise Systems & Networking Phone: (212) 938-5721, Fax: (212) 938-5723; e-mail: jvillon@sunyopt.edu Mr. Wayne Chen, End-User Support Specialist Phone: (212) 938-5717, Fax: (212) 938-5723; e-mail: wchen@sunyopt.edu Mr. Luisito Bacosa, Media Specialist/Systems Support Phone: (212) 938-5716, Fax: (212) 938-5723; e-mail: lbacosa@sunyopt.edu Mr. Michael, Linnartz, IT Officer Manager Phone: (212) 938-5726, Fax (212) 938-5723; email: acaster@sunyopt.edu Mr. Luigi Affortunato, A/V Specialist Phone: (212) 938-5725, Fax: (212) 938-5723; e-mail: laffortunato@sunyopt.edu Ms. Karine Grigoryeva, Network/Clinical Systems Administrator Phone: (212) 938-4034, Fax: (212) 938-5723; e-mail: kgrigoryeva@sunyopt.edu Ms. Fiona Dhrimaj, Director of Educational Technology Services Phone: (212) 938-5727, Fax: (212) 938-5723; email: fdhrimaj@sunyopt.edu Mr. Carlos Panora, Network Systems Specialist Phone: (212) 938-5711, Fax: (212) 938-5723; email: cpanora@sunyopt.edu


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