enrollee will receive plan information directly from the specific HMO chosen. While these materials explain the plans in great detail, you will find the most complete, up-to-date information by going to the Department Civil Service, Employee Benefits Division website at: http://www.cs.state.ny.us/ebd/welcome/login.cfm. The information below provides you a general overview of the State’s Health Insurance Program. Dental Plan and Vision Care Program Employees are provided dental and vision care through either a union Employee Benefits Fund or a state-administered program. Eligibility and waiting periods for these plans and the benefits provided vary. Your union representative or Human Resources can assist you with specific information on the benefits available to you. 3. Flexible Spending Account This program enables employees to set aside from $100-$5,000 annually on a pre-tax basis to pay for health related expenses not reimbursed by health insurance. New employees have 60 days to enroll in this program from their date of hire. The program is set up to have bi-weekly deductions taken from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis and reimbursed to you for medical bills not covered by your insurance plan. 4. Retirement (Enrollment Mandatory for full-time employees) The Human Resources/Affirmative Action Office will provide informational booklets on each retirement plan and will meet with new employees to discuss the election. Classified employees who are in CSEA and PEF union are only eligible to participate in one Retirement System which is:  New York State Employees' Retirement System (ERS), a defined benefit pension Retirement System. Retirement pension benefits will depend on the results of a calculation at the time of retirement that takes into account the Final Average Salary, number of years of credited membership service, and age at the time of retirement. Full-time faculty or professional employees of the State College of Optometry; and those part-time faculty or professional employees with "Term Appointments," are eligible to elect one of three retirement programs:  New York State Teachers' Retirement System (TRS), defined benefit pension Retirement System. Retirement pension benefits 2.


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