MEDICAL RECORDS The medical record is a legal document, and as an order of business is the property of UEC, while the personal data contained in the record are considered as a confidential communication in which the patient has a protectable interest. It is compiled, preserved, and protected from unauthorized inspection for the benefit of the patient and provider as required by law. UEC is required to comply with The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, whereby the patient has a right to control the flow of his/her private health information, and who violates this right may be liable to the patient. Hence, written authorizations must be obtained from the patient or legal guardian as well as for some external requests for the release of health information. UEC General Policies and Procedures:

 Ensure that the health information for each patient contains and centralizes all pertinent information which identified the patient, justifies the treatment and documents the results of such treatment.  Ensure that entries in the EHR are current, concise, signed and dated by the person making the entry.  Ensure that all hardcopy documents scanned into the EHR are filed in the correct patient’s folder.  Ensure that medical, social, personal and financial information relating to each patient is kept confidential and made available only to authorized persons.  Maintain health information at UEC in a safe and secure place which can be locked and which is readily accessible to authorized staff.  All requests for patient health information must be forwarded to the Medical Records Dept. – Room 637

Hours of Service Monday through Friday from 9 am – 5 pm Closed on Saturday. We are closed on all New York State observed holidays.


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