Head Trauma Unit

Incidents like strokes, motor vehicle accidents, falls, physical assaults, pedestrian accidents or brain surgery can often disrupt the visual process and interfere with information flow and processing in the brain. The Head Trauma Unit at University Eye Center serves as a resource for both patients and rehabilitation hospitals and centers throughout the New York Metropolitan area, providing comprehensive ocular and visual services to individuals with acquired brain injuries.

Head Trauma Evaluations Include:

Refractive Evaluation

 Assessment of the Binocular Vision System  Electro-Diagnostic Assessment of Eye Movements  Ocular Health Assessment and Management  State-of-the-Art Visual Field Evaluation Visual Field Defects, and Visual Neglect  Visual Skills Evaluation, including sensitivity to light Two to three visits may be required to complete the evaluation. Upon review of the findings, a management plan is developed which may include special prism spectacles, vision therapy, referral, and follow-up with other professionals involved in the patient's care. The patient is periodically reevaluated by the Head Trauma Unit’s team to monitor and, if necessary, alter the individual treatment plan to achieve the improve patients activities of daily living.

Specialty Contact Lenses

For some patients, their particular ocular conditions demand a more exacting and sophisticated contact lens. The Contact Lens Service at University Eye Center provides specialty contact lens and ocular prosthetic services to treat a variety of visual problems, including:


Extreme Myopia High Astigmatism

Irregular or Scarred Corneas

Pediatric Aphakia

Iris Dystrophy

Dry Eye


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