OUR PLEDGE TO SERVICE EXCELLENCE I understand that the University Eye Center is committed to being the best in the provision of eye care and takes pride in having people on its team who care and are inspired in their work by a desire to help others. I also understand that the success of this commitment depends 100% on our individual and cooperative efforts. Therefore, I agree to S.T.E.P. up to the challenge of service excellence through the following: SERVICE I agree to always put patients & families first. I agree to quickly & appropriately respond to the needs of all patients. I agree to be professional & exhibit a positive attitude. I agree to be caring, courteous, respectful, & compassionate. TEAMWORK I agree to promote a sense of unity & teamwork in my work area & throughout UEC. I agree to be a responsible team member who is honest & accountable for my actions. I agree to support the members of my team. I agree to act as a role model by promoting cooperation between departments. EXCELLENCE I agree to constantly strive to improve the quality & timeliness of services provided. I agree to use & conserve resources wisely. I agree to continuously improve personally & professionally. PROFESSIONALISM I agree to take pride in my work. I agree to comply with UEC standards & policies. I agree to honor the confidentiality of our patients. I agree to promote a positive image of myself and the organization through professional appearance & behavior. Sometimes the challenges of my daily duties may cause me to question this pledge, but I will remember that patients depend on what I do. I will extend myself so our patients will receive a level of service that exceeds their expectations.
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