INTERNAL CONTROL AND ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT Internal Control and Enterprise Risk Management is an ongoing process, overseen by the Internal Control and Enterprise Risk Management Committee that represents the College's faculty, administration and staff. The Internal Control Officer, appointed by the College President, coordinates Internal Control and Enterprise Risk Management activities and is the liaison between SUNY and the College. The Objectives of Internal Control are: 1. To ensure that programs and operations are effective, efficient and economical. 2. To safeguard State and Research Foundation assets against loss due to waste, abuse, unauthorized use and by maintaining a complete and accurate inventory of equipment. 4. To develop and maintain reliable financial and management data, and to accurately present that data in timely reports. The Members of the Internal Control and Enterprise Risk Management Committee are: Ms. Ting Leeshue (Chairperson) Mr. David Bowers, (ex officio) Internal Control Officer Ms. Carolina Gomez-Jones 3. To ensure adherence to laws, regulations, contracts and management directives.
Ms. Gaea Austin Mr. Vito Cavallaro Ms. Parbatie Chitolie Mr. Sidney Contreras Ms. Wendy Ravitz Dr. Richard Soden Dr. Thomas Wong Ms. Janelle Davy Mr. Cyrus Vivar Mr. Robert Pellot Ms. Betshally Torres Ms. Marcia DeRiggs Dr. Daniella Rutner Ms. Nicole Totans Ms. Suzan McGovern
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