Our network system is a finite resource that is intended to facilitate and support our mission as an institution of higher education. IT reserves the right to limit the amount of file space allotted to each account on the server, or other measures as needed, to ensure system functionality. Although efforts will be made to post announcements of changes in advance, such measures may be initiated without prior notice. Emergency situations can and do arise which require that such actions be taken on an immediate basis. It may be necessary at times for the SUNY Optometry Electronic Mail Postmaster (e-mail: postmaster@sunyopt.edu) to read an electronic mail message that has failed to reach its destination in order to determine, if possible, the intended addressee and redirect the message to the correct address. The Postmaster and IT staff also routinely monitor overall system usage in order to track system problems. This involves the monitoring of overall traffic levels and usage patterns; it does not involve examination of e mail or other actual content. However, it is not otherwise the practice of the Postmaster and IT Staff to read or to discuss the content of any message, patterns of electronic mail usage, or the content of any files, with the following exceptions: Court order of law enforcement investigation may require the examination and release of any document, including electronic files such as e-mail. When a person affiliated with the College is involved, IT will act only under the specific written instructions of the President, to ensure that individual rights, including rights to privacy and due process, are maintained. In cases involving suspected illegal, fraudulent or inappropriate uses of the system, IT may, at the specific written instructions of the President, monitor system usage of a particular individual, in a manner that ensures that rights of due process are maintained. Disabling Accounts It may be occasionally necessary for the SUNY Optometry Postmaster or other IT staff to make an account inaccessible. This could be necessary for such reasons as the following: As a prelude to some sort of further investigation (e.g. preventing an individual from tampering with their computer files before they can be examined). Technical problems: An account is in some manner disrupting the system, for example, because of a network intensive application. Account Expiration, Suspension and Removal User accounts of graduating students will be closed on or about the first of August following Commencement. Accounts of students withdrawing from the program, or faculty/staff leaving the College, will be closed following completion of the appropriate Separation
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