Doctor of Optometry Microcredentials Catalog
Vision Rehabilitation Microcredential Curriculum Requirements
General Requirements Active participation in the Vision Rehabilitation Microcredential Journal Club. Active participation in COVD or NORA club/organization. Successful completion of Advanced Clinical Skills and Management Workshops. Second Year Letter grade of B or higher in Anomalies of Visual Sensory-Motor Functions I course.
Third Year Successful completion of one of the following electives:
ELC-513: Neuro-Optometric Management of Acquired Brain Injury ELC-542: Vision and Learning Intensive
ELC-603: Advanced Clinical Diagnosis and Management in Vision Rehabilitation Letter grade of B or higher in Anomalies of Visual Sensory-Motor Functions II course. Successful completion of the following Clinic Assignments (as assigned): Third Year Specialty Rotation in the Vision Rehabilitation Clinic. Learning Disabilities Clinic with Dr. Larson or Dr. Pass (Psychologist). Head Trauma Intake and/or Support Groups with the Social Worker. Skills/Strab Work-Up and Therapy. Eight Additional Vision Rehabilitation/Head Trauma Clinic Sessions. Fourth Year Letter grade of B or higher in the Specialized Vision Rehabilitation In-HouseExternship Rotation, which includes: Biofeedback Skills Work-Ups and Therapy; Perceptual Work-Ups; Strabismus Work Ups and Therapy; Hybrid Head Trauma Work-Up and Therapy. A day at Ezra Medical Center performing comprehensive pediatric eye exams, skills and strabismus work ups, myopia control (examinations and treatment with atropine and soft multifocals), perceptual work ups and rehabilitation. Placement in Low Vision Rehabilitation in the 4th Year Clinical Internship. Placement in Biofeedback Visual Skills Clinic if not completed in the Externship. Successful completion of a Final Project. 17
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