Doctor of Optometry Microcredentials Catalog

Vision Rehabilitation Microcredential Curriculum Requirements

General Requirements  Active participation in the Vision Rehabilitation Microcredential Journal Club.  Active participation in COVD or NORA club/organization.  Successful completion of Advanced Clinical Skills and Management Workshops. Second Year  Letter grade of B or higher in Anomalies of Visual Sensory-Motor Functions I course.

Third Year  Successful completion of one of the following electives:

 ELC-513: Neuro-Optometric Management of Acquired Brain Injury  ELC-542: Vision and Learning Intensive

 ELC-603: Advanced Clinical Diagnosis and Management in Vision Rehabilitation  Letter grade of B or higher in Anomalies of Visual Sensory-Motor Functions II course.  Successful completion of the following Clinic Assignments (as assigned):  Third Year Specialty Rotation in the Vision Rehabilitation Clinic.  Learning Disabilities Clinic with Dr. Larson or Dr. Pass (Psychologist).  Head Trauma Intake and/or Support Groups with the Social Worker.  Skills/Strab Work-Up and Therapy.  Eight Additional Vision Rehabilitation/Head Trauma Clinic Sessions. Fourth Year  Letter grade of B or higher in the Specialized Vision Rehabilitation In-HouseExternship Rotation, which includes:  Biofeedback Skills Work-Ups and Therapy; Perceptual Work-Ups; Strabismus Work Ups and Therapy; Hybrid Head Trauma Work-Up and Therapy.  A day at Ezra Medical Center performing comprehensive pediatric eye exams, skills and strabismus work ups, myopia control (examinations and treatment with atropine and soft multifocals), perceptual work ups and rehabilitation.  Placement in Low Vision Rehabilitation in the 4th Year Clinical Internship.  Placement in Biofeedback Visual Skills Clinic if not completed in the Externship.  Successful completion of a Final Project. 17

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