Diversity and Inclusion Master Plan

Overall Satisfaction The Climate survey was divided into four main areas: 1) Perception of Exclusionary Behavior, 2) Bias, 3) Belonging, Concern about Welfare, Respect, Fairness; 4) Stressors, 5) Work Satisfaction. Summary of findings The results of the Faculty, Staff, and Administrative Climate Survey indicate that the overall climate at the College is quite positive. The summary of the findings are presented below (see Appendix A for full results): • 90.8% of respondents denied having personally experienced exclusionary behavior at the College. o Race was related to experiencing exclusionary behavior. URMs reported more exclusionary behavior than non-minorities (0% White, 17.5% URM, and 10% Asian, χ 2 (2)= 9.99,p <.00). Unfortunately, due to the design of the survey, it is difficult to establish if this type of behavior was experienced across departments or in specific units. Exclusionary behavior:

On the written comments, employees reported the following exclusionary behaviors: employees overlooked by promotions, issues with co-workers, lack of consideration for personal dress-choice. (It is important to keep in mind that this type of experience was reported by less than 10% of survey respondents)

o Gender was also related to experiencing exclusionary behavior. Females (13%) reported more exclusionary behavior than males (2.3%) ( χ 2 (1)= 3.9,p <.00). • 82.9% denied having observed exclusionary behavior at the College.


Biases were broken down into the following categories: overall bias (average of all bias scores), gender identity, age, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, veterans, learning disabilities and physical disabilities. • Seventy nine percent of respondents disagreed that the College is biased based on gender identity, 77% based on age, 78% based on race/ethnicity, 85% based on sexual orientation, 77% against veterans, 79% based on religion, 86% against those with physical disabilities, and 80% against those with learning disabilities.

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