Diversity and Inclusion Master Plan

*Statistically significant differences (Post Hoc comparisons using the Tukey test indicated that the mean score for URMs [M=430, SD=150.8] was significantly different only when compared to White test takers [M=503, SD=127]).

Completion SUNY Optometry offers a rigorous curriculum that challenges students intellectually and personally. Students are required to develop new study habits and coping skills to effectively manage the demands and pressures of a challenging curriculum. Students deemed incapable of fulfilling institutional or academic requirements in a timely manner are ineligible to advance in the Professional OD Program and they may be required to repeat the year or be considered for dismissal. Students may also fail to complete the program for personal reasons and voluntarily withdraw from the program. Attrition rate at SUNY Optometry is relatively low. In an analysis of 4 graduating classes, of a total of 316 entering students, only 12 (3.8%) failed to graduate (3 or 0.9% were dismissed and 9 or 2.8% voluntarily withdrew) (Table 19). The percentage of students who were unable to graduate did not differ by race and ethnicity, χ 2 (2)= 2.6,p=.27).

Table 19. Number of Repeating, Dismiss, and Withdrawals by Race Entering Repeated Dismissed Voluntary Withdrawal


Class 1


1-Asian 1-Black 1-Foreign



Class 2 Class 3

75 79

1-White 1-Asian

3-Asian 2-Asian 1-White

72 75


Class 4



1-Two or more races 1-White 1-Two or more races

**85 (this # includes students w/ pending degrees. Students have not graduated yet

Class 5


1-Asian 1-White 1-Asian 1-Black 2-White


Class 6


1-Foreign 1-White


Class 7


1-Two or more races



Beyond graduation, newly graduated doctors may choose to pursue a one-year residency program. Residencies are becoming a requirement for those seeking employment in a number of practice settings, and are a requirement for clinical and academic positions, playing a critical role in the faculty pipeline. For a more detailed discussion about the demographics of residencies, see page 33.

Summary of Education

Based on the findings of this section, we can conclude that:

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