
The Library is currently undergoing a renovation that will be discussed in further detail below. There are two intersecting goals at the core of our renovation efforts: 1) To move as much content as possible to digital formats; 2) To make the Library a more open and welcoming place for students to study, providing more seating areas and room for collaborative work. In order to facilitate that, we are conducting an aggressive “weeding” effort focusing on removing outdated material and reducing redundancy, e.g. removing duplicate copies. We are not removing any material, regardless of the date of publication, in our core collection. For that reason, while the number of titles will be somewhat reduced, there will be a greater reduction in the number of “items,” which refers to copies of a singular title. Currently, there are 74,407 items in our catalog. The EyeBrowze online public access catalog lists 22,748 records representing monographs (books). These include books in the Main, Reference, Reserve, and Rare Book Collections. In addition, there are 1266 electronic books. Print periodicals account for 747 records, and there are 1748 serial titles. The balance of the collection, approximately 2020 records consists primarily of slides, computer files, CD-ROMs, videos/DVDs, and microforms. Data on utilization of electronic resources ( Appendix VII-9 ), interlibrary loans and document delivery, library expenditures and patron assistance and are posted on Factbook under Library ( research/factbook). Electronic Resources A listing of the Kohn Vision Science Library electronic resources can be found at Students, staff, faculty members, and alumni are provided with access to full-text articles at While the Library holds subscriptions to a large collection of electronic journals, it has access to many more journals and databases provided by SUNYConnect, a program of the State University of New York, and the New York S tate Library’s NOVEL service (New York Online Virtual Electronic Library). Electronic databases, including the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed, Google Scholar and VisionCite Citation Index (citations to articles targeted to vision science, optometry and ophthalmology) can be found at Open URL linking technology allows connection from these databases to full-text electronic content owned by the Library or available through open access. The EyeBrowze online catalog, which is accessible through the Internet, can be found at


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