
The policies and procedures employed during the admissions process for the professional program are given in the Admissions Policy and Procedure document ( Appendix VI-1 ) last revised on February 6, 2018. To encourage consistency in the interview process, members of the Admissions Committee individually assess candidates following an Interview Score Guide ( Appendix VI-6 ) and make a recommendation to accept or reject the candidate or place him/her on hold. WebAdmit is utilized to process candidate applications. The College makes a concerted effort, as described in its Diversity and Inclusion Master Plan ( Appendix IV-6b ), to attract applications from under-represented minority (URM) students. As can be seen in the graph below, there is a general upward trend in enrollment of URM students in the first-year class.

6.2.2 The program must require that the accepted applicants have completed all prerequisites and at least an equivalent of three academic years of postsecondary education in an accredited institution prior to beginning the program. As stated in on the College’s website ( or Appendix VI- 5a and 5b) , to be considered as a candidate for admission to the professional OD program: • A four-year baccalaureate degree is highly recommended. The educational institution must be accredited. • Students who have completed a minimum of three years (90 semester credits) of undergraduate study at an accredited institution will also be considered for admission. • All of the course requirements should preferably be met by enrollment at a four-year college/university in those courses specifically offered for departmental majors or pre- professional students. • Letter grades should be awarded for all required courses and should be completed successfully with a grade of C or better. • Brief or survey courses are not acceptable. • Upper-division course work in the sciences is highly recommended.


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