faculty members on October 15, 2018 to discuss key items affecting this group. Additional faculty meetings will be scheduled for particular constituencies (e.g., non-tenured faculty) identifying specific issues needing improvement (e.g. leadership, collaboration, promotion) and to discuss perceptions, opinions, set priorities and identify appropriate actions.
5.3 The program must allocate adequate time and resources for faculty to enhance their skills and leadership abilities in education, service, research and scholarly activity, and patient care. Faculty assignments take into account each individual’s teaching, administrative, clinical, and other contributions to the college and are reviewed annually with the faculty member’s primary supervisor. The following guidelines are used for the calculation of effort for various faculty assignments (where 10% effort is equivalent to roughly one-half day per week):
FTE (Per Cent of Effort)
1 lecture hour per week (including prep time)*
3 hours lab per week (including prep time) 10 Lab organizer 10 Administrative session 10 Admissions committee 10 1 Clinic session 10 Research/scholarship/ /special project session 10 Faculty Development session 10
*For a course coordinator, credit is given for the total number of lecture hours.
All full-time faculty receive one development session per week (0.10 FTE each for a total of about 6.1 FTE overall) and may apply, through their primary supervisor, for additional time to work on research/scholarly activities or administratively approved special projects. A copy of the template used to calculate faculty effort may be found in Appendix V-8a and examples of effort assignment forms with pay distributions to specific college personnel accounts are available on campus upon request. All graduate faculty members are expected to develop and maintain productive research programs that involve optometry and graduate students. The percentage effort assign to research, teaching, clinic and service is determined by annual negotiation between the faculty, the primary supervisor and the vice president for academic affairs and depends on success in obtaining research grants. Graduate faculty are not required to fund more than 30% of their base salary from their grants, thereby allowing grant funds to be used for postdocs, graduate students, and other direct costs. The College provides externally funded PIs supplemental funds for discretionary use equivalent to 5% of the indirect (facility and administration) costs generated by grants. The administration also provides bridge funds for funded researchers for consumables and staff for up to two years when necessary to continue productive research programs between
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