2020 Annual Report
Winner of 5th Annual Student Innovator Award
present their ideas included: Hamed Rahimi Nasrabadi, a SUNY Optometry graduate student sharing his idea on creating virtual memory designed to assist patients with memory disorders; Behrad Garmsiri and Michelle Kim from the Class of 2023 discussing HIPER: Health Integrated Personal Electronic Records; and Mr. Shah. Marc Ferrara, Chief Executive Cfficer of the information services division of Jobson Medical Information; Ryan Parker, Director of Professional Education for Essilor of America, Inc.; Dr. Jennifer Gould, Chief of Advanced Care Services for the University Eye Center; Dr. Richard Soden, Director of Health Care Development; and Dr. Suresh Viswanathan, Associate Professor and Chair of the Biological and Vision Services department served as judges for the competition. They assessed the students’ ideas for originality, potential impact, viability and feasibility.
SUNY Optometry fourth-year student Jubin Shah received the 2020 Student Innovator Award and a $5,000 scholarship following the College’s fifth annual competition on February 14. Shah presented a device to assist patients in accurately dispensing ophthalmic drops increasing treatment success as well as reducing cost and waste. He believes an affordable, reusable device will help improve overall treatment results as the drops will be more accurately placed improving the efficacy of the treatment. Further, by ensuring the accurate placement into the eye, patients will not need to use more of the prescribed medication which can sometimes be costly. The annual competition requires students to submit abstracts related to innovations or improvements in clinical eye care, research, practice management, optometric education, health care policy, community education, technology and social media which are reviewed by the award committee. The finalists selected to develop and
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