students may enroll in Empire State’s MBA program in Health Care Leadership should they choose to do so. As far as we know, the College is the only optometry program in the country that provides an MBA option. 9) The College successfully established the Clinical Vision Research Center (CVRC) in 2013 in support of the College’s strategic plan. Since its founding, the CVRC has conducted 25 clinical research studies and significantly increased funding from non ‐ federal sources. 10) As shared at the time of the last MSCHE review, The Career Development Center (CDC) was established in 2012. The CDC was created to meet the career needs of SUNY Optometry students, residents and alumni and serves to coordinate co ‐ curricular programming at the college. 11) Oversight of the Office of International programs was realigned, shifting from Academic Affairs to Student Affairs in June 2013 as most program activities were not directly related to degree programs . Highlights Over the past five years, the State University of New York College of Optometry has continued to develop its educational, research and patient care programs based on a strong foundation of strategic planning and an institutional commitment to assessment. The College’s 2013 ‐ 18 Strategic Plan: A Legacy of Leadership ( Appendix 5.3 ) and 2013 Institutional Assessment Plan ( Appendix 5.6 ) serve as the backbone for program development and the allocation of resources. The College of Optometry has emerged from the tumult of the 2008 – 2012 economic downturn and state budget cuts stronger than ever. The College’s enrollment management plan, judicious deployment of resources, improved fundraising, and our investment in the expansion of research and clinical care activities have all contributed to a positive financial picture, as evidenced by increases in our year ‐ end fund balances of $1.69M and $0.895M in FY 14 and FY 15 respectively. We have also been successful securing significant state support for critical capital improvements over the past several years for academic, research and student life areas, which now provide a contemporary educational environment for our students and our programs. The College’s 2011 Enrollment Management Plan for the Doctor of Optometry Program, which was based on a 2010 workforce analysis of New York State, is now being implemented and expands the professional degree program by 32% (up to 100 per entering class). This increase, while designed to meet the eye care needs of NY, has also contributed heavily to the current fiscal strength of the institution. While seeking growth, the College is not prepared to sacrifice quality. Notably the expansion of enrollment has been implemented with no evident decrease in the overall quality of incoming classes, (Section 3, Standards 8 & 9) and our admissions yield is increasing dramatically (currently 71% for 2016, up by 13% compared to 2015). The College is in an admirable position given the high quality of matriculating students for all programs. Outcome measures, including national board exam performance, point to the success of our students. The strength of existing programs and student success has allowed the College to focus on creating
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