
Overview of PRR Process

Key Elements of Periodic Review Report (PRR) 1  “The emphasis is on brevity in providing required information” and most reports “will require approximately 50 pages.” o Our most recent PRR (2008) was 36 pages (excluding appendices) and MSCHE commended the institution the quality of the report  “Institutions that are actively engaged in continuous planning and assessment are strongly encouraged to submit documentation from regular processes.”  Preparation of the PRR “should involve various campus constituencies including faculty, staff, administration and the board of trustees.”  “Assertions should be supported by evidence.”  External reviewers (there will be two) are advised to “pay particular attention to the institution’s assessment of its achievement of its goals at various levels and to the use of the results of those assessments to improve programs and services and to inform planning and resource allocation.”  Based on inadequacies revealed in a PRR, MSCHE may request a progress or monitoring report or issue a warning 1. Executive summary (Dr. Heath) 2. Summary of institution’s response to recommendations (Dr. Schwartz) 3. Brief narrative identifying major challenges and/or current opportunities (Dr. Heath in consultation with IRPC) 4. Analysis of enrollment and finance trends and projections (Dr. Schwartz, Mr. Bowers & Mr. Catafago) 5. Evidence of organized and sustained processes to assess institutional effectiveness and student learning, and evidence that such processes are being used to improve programs and services and to inform planning and resource allocation decisions (Dr. Schwartz working with IRPC) 6. Evidence that linked institutional planning and budgeting processes are in place (Dr. Schwartz working with IRPC) 7. PRR Certification Statement attesting to compliance with MSCHE requirements of affiliation and federal Title IV requirements (Dr. Schwartz, Dr. Philpott & Dr. Troilo) Sections of PRR

1 Quotations are taken from MSCHE’s Handbook for Periodic Review Reports


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