The College’s University Eye Center (Article 28 Diagnostic & Treatment Center) provides vital vision care services to the New York City community with approximately 70,000 patient visits per year. An additional 80,000+ patient encounters involve students, residents and faculty providing care through affiliated clinical partners in the community (hospitals, health centers, etc.). International Programs: The College also has strong international links to China and supports the Power of SUNY 2020’s big idea: SUNY and The World. In partnership with the Wenzhou Medical University and the Chinese Government, the college provides international study opportunities for its students, partners in a Center of Excellence in Low Vision & Vision Rehabilitation in Wenzhou, China and hosts a Confucius Institute specializing in health care. The College has more recently begun working with the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa on practitioner education and this year is piloting an advanced standing program for optometrists and physicians trained abroad. Alumni/Philanthropy: The College successfully concluded a $10M campaign, ( The Vision & the Promise), October 1, 2014. This was the first formal campaign in the history of the College and its success holds promise for the future. The College is currently working to build upon the Campaign’s success and improve its annual fundraising operation. We have set a target of doubling the percentage of alumni giving annually by 2020. We anticipate the next major campaign will coincide with the College’s 50 th Anniversary in 2021. Strategic Plan & Alignment: The College is guided by its strategic plan, “ 2013-2018 Strategic Plan: A Legacy of Leadership ”, (http://www.sunyopt.edu/2013_strategic_plan/), which is proactively managed through a comprehensive Institutional Assessment Plan approved in July 2013, (http://www.sunyopt.edu/offices/ institutional_research/assessment_plan). (Also included as PDF Attachments 1 & 2.) The College conducts a major review of its strategic plan every five years, while monitoring progress on a continual basis. The last major review occurred during the 2012-2013 Academic Year with final endorsement by the College Council on June 3, 2013. The College’s Strategic Plan contains 11 goals with corresponding objectives: Each goal is explicitly linked to the six big ideas of the Power of SUNY 2020 . Key elements (among others) of the strategic plan that align with The Power of SUNY 2020’s six big ideas and SUNY Excels include: Increasing enrollment in the Doctor of Optometry degree program to meet eye care workforce needs in New York. ( Healthier New York, The Entrepreneurial Century – Access, Completion, Engagement ) Enrolling a highly qualified and diverse student body. ( A Healthier New York - Access, Completion ) Making the University Eye Center more accessible to the public within the context of health care reform and expanded educational programming. ( A Healthier New York, A Vibrant Community, The Entrepreneurial Century - Engagement, Completion, Success (applied learning) ) Expanding external clinical training opportunities within the health care systems of NYC and beyond. ( Healthier New York – Access, Completion, Engagement ) Developing new areas of research that are synergistic with the College’s existing research community. ( The Entrepreneurial Century, A Healthier New York – Inquiry, Success, Access ) Strengthening and expanding programs the train clinician scientists. ( The Entrepreneurial Century, A Healthier New York – Access, Completion, Success, Inquiry ) Creating additional learning opportunities for meaningful campus and civic engagement ( A Vibrant Community, The World, The Entrepreneurial Century – Success, Engagement ) Assessment : In support of the strategic planning process, the College of Optometry has developed a comprehensive Institutional Assessment Plan. Various assessment strategies are used to track implementation of the strategic plan and monitor College operations. The primary motivation is to identify, obtain, analyze, and use outcomes data for meaningful program improvement. The assessment plan includes a comprehensive listing of metrics collected by the college including key measures linked to the College’s Strategic Plan. Many of these
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