
2008 Strategic Plan | SUNY College of Optometry

Additional programs will be developed that will increase professional program graduates’ access to preferred career paths.

1.6  Goal: To provide residency education that will train individuals to develop advanced clinical competencies to meet current and future healthcare needs.


Residency education will be expanded within 5 years to offer at least 6 additional residency positions to optometric graduates.  These new opportunities will reflect the future healthcare needs of the public. An innovative and flexible didactic curriculum will be customized for each clinical residency program and reviewed annually.

1.7  Goal: To become a leader in continuing optometric education.


The College will become the first choice for obtaining continuing education credits for the majority of New York State optometrists as determined by periodic surveys. The College will diversify the methods by which it delivers continuing education (e.g., data transfer, internet, webinars and simulcasting of programs). Within five years, 20% of all continuing education will occur via distance learning.

1.8  Goal: To attract and enroll highly qualified students for the professional program.


In any year, average scores for each entering class in the professional program, on all sections of the Optometry Admissions Test (OAT), will be in the first quartile of admitted optometry students for that year. Leadership potential and evidence of a strong commitment to community service will be specific criteria for admission to the professional degree program. The attrition rate for academic reasons, in the professional program, will not exceed 5% of students in any one class for the duration of the 4-year program. The College will promote access and affordability through increased student scholarships and grants. The College will endeavor to keep the average total cost of education for students in the lowest quartile relative to similar programs nationally. Based on the results of the 2010-2011 Workforce Study, the entering first-year class will be increased to a maximum of 100 students ( revised 03.01.11 ).

1.9  Goal: To attract and retain highly qualified, full-time faculty members.


To compensate both existing and future faculty members at or near discipline-competitive levels adjusted for

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