Donations Any donations need to be treated as “deposits” and thus fill out a deposit form. When a Club or Organization receives donated funds it must be clear that no service or benefit is received by the donor. No Quid Pro Quo Donations are allowed. If a club officer is uncertain they should contact their Club Advisor or the Student Affairs Office for guidance.
Corporate Sponsorships Fill out the Sponsorship Spreadsheet once you have a confirmed speaker and who they are sponsored by.
• We are doing this to ensure transparency when contacting industry representatives for donations or sponsorships. This will also allow industry representatives to budget their limited funds in order to support students and the College in an efficient manner. Equipment Items and Equipment purchased through the FSA becomes the property of the FSA. The items will be used by future students and are not for personal use. Probation Clubs that are inactive, or whose members violate the Student Code of Conduct and/or the policies in the Student Handbook, may be placed on Probation. All infractions and violations will be reviewed by the Vice President for Student Affairs, and decisions of probation will be made by the Vice President for Student Affairs on a case by case basis. Liability Waivers Certain activities may require an Assumption of Risks and Release of Claims form (appendix 2) to be reviewed and signed by the students prior to beginning the activity. The Vice President for Student Affairs will determine when the form is needed and notify the students. It is then the clubs responsibility to get each member to sign the waiver form and submit it to the Student Affairs Office prior to the activity’s commencement.
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